Monday, June 24, 2019

Last week of school! - June 24, 2019

And, believe it or not, it is the last week of school.  We did many things in the past few weeks and tried to finish off as many projects and assignments as we could.  We have a few more things left to do and then it's time to enjoy the well-deserved break. 

What's happening this week?

We have one more Mathletics Math test (Part 2) that we will do.  Students did well on Part 1.  This is the first of this format that they are writing, so considering, they did real well.  Let's see how we do on Part 2.  We finished everything in Math, so after this we'll just practice our multiplication facts for the rest of the week. :)

Our aim for this day is to finish the book "A Wrinkle in Time" so we can watch the movie.  We will also try to finish our Autobiographies.  There might be some finishing touches left on the actual books (online), so students will be able to perfect their work over the summer.

Movie: A Wrinkle in Time and Year-end Mass at 1:30 PM at St. Gerard Church.  Come join us for this last mass of the year.

Fun Day!  Students can come in their Pyjamas if they want to :).  Please send a plastic bag so students can collect their things and bring them home.

Mini Gala Oratoire
Thank you to all those who attended our Mini Gala Oratoire on the 12th of June.  The students did a great job.  Thank you also for the special treats that some parents brought and some sent for this special occasion.  Here are some photos:
Chess Tournament
The chess tournament came to an end on the 20th of June.  Our Winners were the following for each game: Grade 4: Kaitlyn, Grade 5: Tristan, Grade 6: Silken.  Bravo!  Thank you to all the players who participated.  It was fun and tense at times.  The competition was fierce :).  I was glad to see that so many students were interested in playing.  BRAVO!  Keep playing over the summer.
National Indigenous People's Day & Play Day
Last Friday (June 21st), we had a Play Day (morning) with all sorts of fun activities spread out all over the school.  Grade 5s and 6s did a great job of running the various stations.  The grade 4s were called upon to help them out (relieve them) and they also did a fabulous job even though they had no idea they were going to be asked to do this.  I'M PROUD! 
We wrapped up the day with making Talking Sticks and a wonderful Smudge Ceremony run by Mme Renee.  It was a beautiful wrap-up to a busy day.  Thank you Mme Renee.
Although the chess tournament is over, the students have not stopped playing.  This is how indoor recess was spent before lunch as it was raining. :)
 Here are some photos showing how students made their talking sticks.
Thank you to all the organizers for a beautiful fun day!
Here is an awesome program run by the Calgary library to keep up with reading during the summer.  
It is worth checking out.  Did I mention awesome prizes? 😉
They have loads of French books too to keep up with French reading.  :)

Here's a quick video to outline what the program is all about!

Wishing a happy Saint-Jean-Baptiste 

to all our friends and family in Québec!

Upcoming Important Dates:

Monday, June 24 (Jour 5)
- Mathletics Test Part 2

Tuesday, June 25 (Jour 6)
- Finish Wrinkle in time book

Wednesday, June 26 (Jour 1)
- Wrinkle in Time movie (morning)
- Year end Mass @ 1:30 PM at Church

Thursday, June 27 (Jour 2)

Friday, June 28

Have a wonderful week!