Keeping up with the latest and greatest when it comes to Technology, here are some of the apps we are using in the classroom and / or at home.

Google Classroom:
Google Classroom has been set up for all the students in the classroom and they are accessing many of our apps by entering the classroom.  If they wish to access Google Classroom at home, they need to use their learn.css.ab.ca email address.  (Ex: mariak2@learn.cssd.ab.ca) Their passwords are the same as for their computers.  The students will know this.

In google classroom, I will add electronic copies of the homework as well as other documents that the students can access.  For the time being, this is an easy location to find all the apps that we have access to.  Some of the apps we are not using yet (i.e. coding.org) so the students will not know their login information for these.  These will be provided when we are ready to use them :).

Raz-Kids (Reading - English and French):
Teacher: maria0

Mathletics (Mathematics practice game):
Login page: https://community.mathletics.com/signin/
Login and Passwords: Will be provided in class

Typing Club (Learning how to type):
Login page: https://kiss4stgerard.typingclub.com/
Login and Passwords: Will be provided in Class