Thursday, June 27, 2019


And today was our last day.  I cannot believe how fast the year went.  I had loads of fun, and I can only hope my students also did. I loved every minute and I will miss everyone.  I hope everyone has a lovely summer break! 
Keep reading, keep drawing, keep learning and don't forget that "Math is really AWESOME!"  💗
Here is a little book we wrote together as a class on our first field trip in September.  Hope you enjoy it. 😃
Love, Mme Kiss
Here is an awesome program run by the Calgary library to keep up with reading during the summer.  
It is worth checking out.  Did I mention awesome prizes? 😉
They have loads of French books too to keep up with French reading.  :)

Here's a quick video to outline what the program is all about!

Have an AWESOME Summer break!