A busy week with a great deal of work... and little extra time to spare :). But that is how we like it, as that is how we know we are learning a lot.
In math we worked on multiplication, we played games using cards to help reinforce our basic skills, and practiced doubling using dice. We also did some Mathletics. Some have attempted looking at the many ways multiplication can be represented including arrays.
In French we talked about adjectives, tried a little online tool / game to spot adjectives, and we also did a bit of a review on signes orthographiques (accents). These seem to cause a bit of grief so a quick review seemed like a good place to start :). We also did Raz-kids reading this week where they now have 5 books to read. These books are due Monday Jan 21, 2019.
We continued reading Wonder in English and continued working on our worksheets. We will be starting journal writing in English as well and we will very soons tart our program on the connection between Language Arts and the Environment.
Art / Music:
We continued practicing our music this week and we can now play one version of Hot Cross Buns. We will be learning another version of it soon and we will then try to write our own version. It will be an interesting experiment for sure.
For art the students did drawings of superheroes for a little boy through Make a Wish Foundation. The results were amazing... and the amount of superfruits and vegetables was awesome to see. I guess being allowed to snack on these during the day has influenced our work :).
Social Studies
We have now completed (with some final tweaks being added on Monday) our presentations of the Alberta regions. We will start presentations on Tuesday. Each day 2 groups will present and we will use this opportunity to learn not only about the regions of Alberta but also about what makes a great presentation.
We have been focused quite a bit on the Social Studies project so we did a little less science this week. We did a review of simple machines and looked into wheels and axles. In the next few weeks we will be doing some hands on activities to help us build some more simple machines.
On Thursday we also had the pleasure of welcoming a guest with whom we were able to perform a
Smudging Ceremony. Although we learned about this a little from our book (The Sharing Circle) most of us have never taken part in such a ceremony. It was a very unique experience and we are truly grateful for having been able to take part.
Today we have spoken to the students about the beyblades they bring to school and have come to an agreement over the following:
1 - If the students bring beyblades to school, it is at their own risk. They understand that there is a risk of their beyblades becoming lost, broken or damaged and as such they take the risk when they do bring these to school.
2 - Students are not allowed to use these within the school building. These remain in backpacks, coats, or in our case, baskets until recess (morning and afternoon recesses only when the beyblading can take place on the swings at school.)
3 - Students have been asked to not do any kind of trading of beyblades at school. Trading them has caused grief for many as most at this age do not truly understand the expense associated with or the value of some of the blades. Therefore, we feel it is best that they don't do any kind of trading at school at all.
- Raz-kids French books (Assignment Jan 14 - 18) - due Jan. 21
- Math homework - Monday - semaine 15 - all due Jan. 21
- French Page (Alphabet, Nom/Adjectifs) - both due Jan. 21 (if not handed in yet)
Upcoming Important Dates:
Monday, January 21 (Jour 6)
- Homework due
- Healthy Hunger
- BFG @ 10:45 AM
- Knitting club @ lunch
Tuesday, January 22 (Jour 1)
Wednesday, January 23 (Jour 2)
- Beading club @ lunch
- Hymn Sing
Thursday, January 24 (Jour 3)
- Learning Commons
- Math Quiz / Spelling tests
Friday, January 25 - PD DAY
- February 1 - Carnaval (Field Trip - whole school)
- February 14-15 - PD Days
- February 18 - Family Day
Have a wonderful weekend!