Today in Math, we continued with our multiplications and looking at strategies to help us do the math in our heads. Today we explored breaking apart one of the factors to simpler factors and then adding back the results in the end. It takes some practice to get these right but once these become engraved we will use them again and again as they truly help make life easier.
In French we did our journal entries today on our favourite movies. We have also established new firm ground rules about only talking in French in class or to Madame unless she is teaching English or Religion. Madame is no longer able to translate :) and now everyone must do that themselves. We also use make good use of our dictionaries this way to help us when we are stuck.
Today we also continued our work on Zero Heroes and have played a Game Show. We now have a scoreboard set up and are learning a great deal, while also doing a good review, on the topic of waste and waste management. We also got to continue reading Wonder. Congrats to Stephen and Max for the great reading they did today. We have recreated our readers' list and will hopefully wrap up the book real soon.
- Raz-kids French books (Assignment Jan 28 - Feb 1) - due Feb. 4
- Math homework - semaine 17 - all due Feb. 4 (WILL BE HANDED OUT TOMORROW)
Tuesday, January 29 (Jour 5)
Wednesday, January 30 (Jour 6)
- Beading club @ lunch
Thursday, January 31 (Jour 1)
- Math Quiz / Spelling tests
Friday, Feb. 1 - Carnaval - Field Trip (All day @ Great West Productions Sugar Shack near Calaway Park)
- February 14-15 - PD Days- February 18 - Family Day