Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Another busy day - Jan 8, 2019

Today we started the day with reading.  We also did Stamina Reading where we read for nearly 7 minutes straight without losing our focus.  After this we did some math review sheets (addition and subtraction), continued to make notes on our vacation in French, did some dictionary search activities and continued to work on our Alberta Region slides.  Lots of great work was accomplished today.  We even pulled out our dusty recorders and started playing three notes in a row (Si, La, Sol).  We are super close now to learning some songs.  😃 I am totally looking forward to it. 

We wrapped up the day by continuing to read Wonder.  Today's readers were Addison, William, Anika and Mia.  They did a wonderful job!  The list of readers is growing and now includes almost everyone in the class.  Wohoo!!! 😃

- Raz-kids French books (Assignment Jan 7 - 11) - due Jan. 14
- Math homework - Tuesday - semaine 14 - all due Jan. 14 

Upcoming Important Dates:
Wednesday, January 9 (Jour 4)
- Beading club @ lunch
- Learning Commons

Thursday, January 10 (Jour 5)

Friday, January 11 (Jour 6)
- Choir @ lunch
Monday, January 14 (Jour 1)
- Healthy Hunger
- Homework due (Math, Raz-kids)
- Knitting club @ lunch

Tuesday, January 15 (Jour 2)
- Hymn Sing

Wednesday, January 16 (Jour 3)
- Beading club @ lunch

Thursday, January 17 (Jour 4)
- Learning Commons
- Math Quiz

Friday, January 18 (Jour 5)
- Choir @ lunch
- Spelling tests (English, French)
Monday, January 21 (Jour 6)
- Healthy Hunger
- Homework due 
- Knitting club @ lunch

Tuesday, January 22 (Jour 1)

Wednesday, January 23 (Jour 2)
- Beading club @ lunch
- Hymn Sing

Thursday, January 24 (Jour 3)
- Learning Commons
- Math Quiz

Friday, January 25 - PD DAY

Have a great evening!