Thursday, January 31, 2019

Carnaval Tomorrow!!! - Jan 31, 2019

Excitement is building for Carnaval :).  We are all looking forward to an amazing day tomorrow. 

Here's the schedule for our field trip tomorrow:
10:45amBus will take us to Great West Productions Sugar Shack near Calaway Park for arrival at 11:30am.
11:30 – 2pm – programming and lunch is provided by the Great West team.
Return to school by 3pm.
An email has been sent with more details.  Please make sure to read it.
In the meantime we continued working hard.  In Math, we continued with our multiplications and today we incorporated it with art once more after our math quiz.  We created beautiful multiplication flowers that not only helped us practice our facts one more time but also helped us learn a few art skills (i.e. folding paper in such a way as to be able to cut a flower with six petals, changing a rectangle to a square, and working with patterns.)  Here's what the classroom looked like during recess and here's the finished product.
In Music we became composers this week.  We not only learned real well how to play two different versions of Hot Cross Buns, but we also learned how to write our very own version.  Through doing this we learned about beat, rhythm, and sound.  We also learned about repeated patterns and what makes a song nice to listen to.  We even sampled a little bit of Mozart to help inspire us.  Here's a good link for many of his masterpieces.
In French we used an online tool to learn the basics about verbs.  We also played a game where we had to find the verb among many other words.  Finally, we worked in small teams to identify and sort a large selection of words into nouns (common and proper), adjectives and verbs.  As we continue to dive into using all these different types of words in our sentences, we are also working on our conjugations and on building our vocabulary.    

We also continued to work on Zero Heroes and have now sent home our first mission.  Please help us complete these missions.  The teams also created drawings of the things that bring them joy other than objects or products you can buy. Here's a sampling of the things that bring us joys.
Hard to believe but that's a wrap not only for this week but for January already.  February, we are ready for you. :)

- Raz-kids French books (Assignment Jan 28 - Feb 1) - due Feb. 4 
- Math homework - semaine 17 - all due Feb. 4

Upcoming Important Dates:
Friday, Feb. 1 - Carnaval - Field Trip (All day @ Great West Productions Sugar Shack near Calaway Park)


- February 14-15 - PD Days 
- February 18 - Family Day 

Have a "sweet" evening!