Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Joyeuse Saint Valentin! - Feb 13, 2019

What an energy filled short week :).  I apologize if students went home today with just a little more energy than they had in the morning.  We were once again spoiled with treats for Valentine's Day. 

This week we continued working on our math skills, reviewed our math homework, learned a whole lot about the verb "aimer", read Wonder, read our Raz-kids books, had Hymn Sing, worked with our grade 1 buddies, had gym, and even spent time in the learning commons.  While it was three short days we had, we certainly accomplished quite a lot.  I had more planned, but sometimes plans don't always work out as expected. :).

One thing we also did is learn about MC Escher and his amazing artwork.  We looked at some videos and then we decided to do our own optical illusion art for Valentine's day.  The results were amazing.  We not only learned about how to draw, but also used our patterning skills and our understanding of the interplay between the shape of a line and the visual effect it can create.  The end result is displayed in our hallway.
Chess also continues to be a major attraction during transitions too so I may have to get one more set :).  We now have two and they are both often occupied.  My favourite part is that those who know how to play are now teaching those who don't and interactions develop between students where otherwise they wouldn't exist.  There are some great strategists in this class :).
As mentioned above, we were certainly spoiled in terms of Valentine's day treats.  Wonderful treats were brought in by Stephen, Addison, and Xavier.  We had tons of little gifts brought in by many students and, we also had a lovely card and bag full of cupcakes and oranges dropped off for the students by Mme Dumbrava.  The students were so pleased and excited to hear from her.  They truly have wonderful memories of their grade 3 teacher :).

- Raz-kids French books (Assignment Feb 11 - Feb 15) - due Feb. 19

Upcoming Important Dates:
Thursday, February 14

Friday, February 15

Monday, February 18

Tuesday, February 19 (Jour 5)

Wednesday, February 20 (Jour 6)
- Gym
- Popcorn Day

Thursday, February 21 (Jour 1)
- Math Quiz

Friday, February 22 (Jour 2)
- Hymn Sing
- Gym
- Spelling Tests

Upcoming Field Trip - Volunteers needed:

Today I sent home field trip forms for an upcoming full day field trip to Calgary Tower on March 18th.  This field trip will be linked to our math curriculum focusing on area and perimeter.  There will be a "climbing the tower" component as well.  We will be climbing using the stairs INSIDE the tower (definitely not using ropes on the outside :)).  Please sign and return both the Field Trip form and the yellow waiver form by March 12th so we can organize the trip.

For this trip, I will also need two (2) volunteers to help throughout the day.  If you would like to volunteer, please send me an email.  Thank you in advance.


- February 25-27 - Netball (Grades 3-6)
- February 27 - Pink Shirt Day
- March 5 - Shrove Tuesday
- March 6 - Ash Wednesday Celebration @ 1:30 PM (hosted by Grade 4)
- March 8 - Report Cards go home
- March 14, 15 - Parent/Teacher Interviews

Wishing everyone a lovely super long weekend, a wonderful Valentine's Day, and a joy filled Family Day.  

Hopefully the "love giggles" have subsided. 


Looking forward to seeing everyone on February 19.