Tuesday, February 19, 2019

New week, new learning - Feb 19, 2019

Welcome back after a super long weekend for some :).  Hope everyone had a chance to rest up a bit.

We started our week again with a sharing circle, which we followed-up with math.  In math we are starting to wrap up our multiplications and divisions, which we will need to practice some more as we move along in our topics.  We are also now preparing for the math (area, perimeter) that we will need for our March 18th field trip.  Excitement is already building.

In French we reviewed the present tense of the 4 verbs we saw so far (avoir, être, aller, aimer) and we added the verb faire.  We are using songs to learn the correct conjugation of these verbs as well as building sentences using them both orally and on paper.  For this week, we will not have a spelling test but we will rather have a conjugation test.  The verbs for this week will be "avoir" & "aimer".  In both cases, I will read a short sentence for each pronoun and the students will need to spell them correctly.  Later on we will practice recall, for now the correct use of the verbs is the focus of our learning. 

Here's what they need to know:
Tu as
Il / Elle / On a
Nous avons
Vous avez
Ils / Elles ont

Tu aimes
Il / Elle / On aime
Nous aimons
Vous aimez
Ils / Elles aiment

Here are the songs to help us remember.  We did not look at the one for Avoir in class yet.



These are what I will be marking.  The other words in the sentences will simply help me with knowing how to help students with spelling.  Those will not count.  Hope this makes sense :).

After lunch, we had the immense pleasure of having Ashley Ruben visit our class and read to us a story on Honouring the Buffalo.  She also brought a Buffalo robe with her and some beautiful moccasins, boots, medicine pouches and Buffalo hides.  She even had a real bone.  The students loved being able to sit on the Buffalo robe while listening to the story.  We learned so much about the many uses of the Buffalo. 
We wrapped up the day with the reading of Wonder.  We are more than halfway through so we should be getting to watching the movie soon. 

- Raz-kids French books (Assignment Feb 18 - Feb 24) - due Feb. 25
- Math Homework - Week 19
- Please return Field Trip forms if not yet returned - Thank you to all who offered to volunteer!

Upcoming Important Dates:
Wednesday, February 20 (Jour 6)
- Gym
- Popcorn Day

Thursday, February 21 (Jour 1)
- Math Quiz

Friday, February 22 (Jour 2)
- Hymn Sing
- Gym
- Spelling Tests (Verbes) - In English only a sentence this week.


- February 25-27 - Netball (Grades 3-6)
- February 27 - Pink Shirt Day

- March 5 - Shrove Tuesday
- March 6 - Ash Wednesday Celebration @ 1:30 PM (hosted by Grade 4)
- March 8 - Report Cards go home
- March 14, 15 - Parent/Teacher Interviews

Have a lovely evening.