Friday, December 14, 2018

10 more days until Christmas! - Dec. 14

10 more days until Christmas...

We have a nice little Elf but he still seems to get himself into a tiny bit of trouble every day :).

Thursday: Elfis got stuck in our pompom jar.  We all wondered if the Reindeer had anything to do with it, seeing as he was sitting on top of the jar :).  I was not able to give out pompoms all day Thursday.
Friday: Elfis and his pals decided to hide in the teepees created by some students that seem to have been forgotten at school.  I wonder what kind of mischief Elfis will get into over the weekend...

We were quite busy too these past two days...  

Thursday morning we started with a Math quiz on subtraction using 3 and 4 digit numbers.  We followed-up the quiz with our BFG groups.  We learned about the Jesse tree and we decorated a Jesse tree in the school with our own ornaments that we coloured during BFG.  The rest of the day flew by with a group research using dictionaries, work on our Social Studies Google Slides and a writing activity around Santa's reindeer Rebellion.  Some of the work still needs to be finished but we'll get there :).

Today we continued our work on subtractions, held our elections for school council, and practiced our Christmas concert songs; all this before the first recess.  After recess we had Hymn sing; a few more students in our class got Certificats Bravos (Xavier, Stephen and Addison.)  Congratulations!

After Hymn Sing, we went to the Grade 1s to work on some artwork to help decorate the gym for the Advent Liturgy.  All the students love to go work with the grade 1s. 
After dinner, things did not slow down one bit.   We took some time to go to the gym and rehearse our Christmas concert (i.e. walking onto stage, off, bowing, etc :)).  They may seem like simple things, but can become very challenging when performance jitters set in.  We then continued working a tiny bit more on our Reindeer persuasive writing task.  We will try and wrap this up on Monday so we can close the loop on the Reindeer Rebellion and get the Reindeer back to work :).  We used this news article and this book on Thursday to inspire us for this task.
(Article written by Mme Kiss :))
We finally wrapped up the day with Gym. 

A busy week behind us, and a busier one ahead of us... :). 

The Christmas Concert:

1) For the concert, please have the children wear black or dark clothing, preferably covering all body parts as the focus should be on the white gloves and the beautiful faces of the children :).  The white gloves will be far more impressive if the background is dark.

2) I am still on the hunt for more white gloves.  Scarlet's mom has been wonderful and found us quite a few, but we would need a few more.  If you see in the Dollar Stores any of these kinds of gloves, I would love it if you could get them all as we still would need 11.  If we don't find enough, we can use other white gloves, however these would be the best as they have the beautiful sparkly snowflake on their backs, which would add another dimension to our hand movements.  I will be hitting a few more stores myself this weekend to see if I can find a few more.

Homework (last one until New Year):
- Raz-kids French books (Assignment Dec. 10-14) - due Dec. 16
- Math homework - Monday - semaine 13 - all due Dec. 17 
- English homework - Monday - week 7 - all due Dec. 17

Upcoming Important Dates:
Monday, December 17
- Homework Due
- Knitting club @ lunch

Tuesday, December 18

Wednesday, December 19
- Beading club @ lunch

Friday, December 21
- AWO TAAN Sandwiches

Have a Fabulous Weekend!