Monday, December 3, 2018

"Catapulted" into another week - Dec. 3

With three more weeks to go before the Christmas break, it is crunch-time :).

We started the week with our Sharing Circle after we got over the new seating arrangement.  The vote from last week was 11 to 7 for desks being in a row.  Therefore, this is what our new classroom looks like.  Most students seem to be happy with this setup.  We will keep it up like this for at least the month of December.

In Math we continued working on subtractions including estimating and mental calculations.  We will be wrapping up subtractions shortly and continuing with multiplication.  Though we are wrapping up each operation individually, it does not mean that we will never revisit these.  These operations and skills will be critical for all future material we learn.

After recess, in French,we did journal writing and the topic was "My favourite sport...".  The students asked excellent questions and did a great job staying focused on the task.  Now it is time for me to check how well everyone followed the instructions. :)

We wrapped up the morning with Religion talking about Advent and the birth of Jesus.  I showed a couple of videos after having some interesting discussions.  Here are some of the videos.  Additionally, here is one that adults will understand better :).

The first one is about the Advent wreath:
The second one is what not to do during Advent.  Students indicated that they have seen this one before.
The final video we saw in class was on the birth of Jesus.

Finally, we did not watch the following video, but it is a great one for us adults who are always stressed and rushing through Advent.  It is a good reminder to slow down and remind ourselves what Christmas is really meant to be about.

In the afternoon we did a bit of Science.  Well, we built mini catapults and catapulted pompoms.  It is science too.  Some of our pompoms ended up in places they were not meant to, but I think we had fun.  We also learned a little bit more about the Levier (levers).

Finally, we wrapped up the day with English by reading Wonder. We have started taking turns reading the book to the class.  Today Scarlet, Kaitlyn and Isabella took turns.  They did an amazing job.  Next time around we have several volunteers already so now the plan is to get everyone to read a chapter at least. 

Our Christmas tree has grown quite a bit today.  We will now need to start painting all the egg cartons and gluing them together.  Please continue to help us grow it by sending in your empty egg cartons.  We only have a few more weeks left!!! :)

- Raz-kids French books (Assignment Dec. 3-7) - due Dec. 9
- Math homework - Monday - semaine 12 - all due Dec. 10 
- English homework - Monday - week 6 - all due Dec. 10

Upcoming Important Dates:
Wednesday, December 5
- Beading club @ lunch

Thursday, December 6 (St. Nicholas Day)
- Math Quiz 

Friday, December 7
- Spelling Tests
- Choir @ lunch
Monday, December 10
- Homework Due
- Knitting club @ lunch

Wednesday, December 12
- Beading club @ lunch

Thursday, December 13
- Math Quiz 

Friday, December 14
- Spelling Tests
- Choir @ lunch


Monday, December 17
- Homework Due
- Knitting club @ lunch?

Tuesday, December 18

Wednesday, December 19
- Beading club @ lunch?

Friday, December 21
- AWO TAAN Sandwiches

Have a Wonderful Evening!