Friday, October 19, 2018

Beautiful days ahead - Oct 19

We plan... we try...we adjust :)

Today we held our first Friday sharing circle in the morning, as suggested by Xavier, and it went really well, except for the fact that the number one best thing this week was the visit by the gecko :).  I guess a gecko can steal the show :)

During Math, we tried using Mathletics to start looking at the patterns that we have been working on for a while now.  Mathletics is in English, but the math concepts are the same.  The students can use this tool at home to practice and get more comfortable with many of the grade 4 math concepts.  There are games as well to help with the motivation :).  The login information is in their agenda.

During music we practiced our Do, Re, Mi's and the beat.  We will continue to practice playing the recorder gently in the weeks to come.

During lunch some of the students had choir.  Choir is every Friday at lunchtime.  I will try to make sure to give a reminder beforehand.  Thanks to Mr. Harries, our wonderful singers also got a recess right after lunch.

In French we were going to have our dictee but as we did not get a chance to discuss the words at the beginning of the week, some of us were not quite comfortable with the words.  As such, we used our brand new individual white boards and used the time to practice our spelling words together.  Students are encouraged to continue practicing these words at home as we will have the dictee on Monday instead.
We also continued reading Le Petit Prince.

We discussed some real-life scenarios in Health today.  The students had a chance to discuss some hypothetical situations that students could face in their day-to-day lives and were asked to come up with possible solutions.

In English, we did the same as in French for the spelling words.  We practiced on whiteboards and we will have the actual spelling test on Monday.

Finally, we closed the day with the opportunity to work on Raz Kids and for some to catch up on their French assignments in Raz-Kids.  A new assignment for next week has been posted.

- Math review sheets (Semaine 7) - whole package due Monday Oct 22
- Raz-kids French books (Assignment 4)
French Homework - Avoir et Etre - whole package due Monday Oct 22
Weekly Challenge (Solution will be discussed Monday)

Important Upcoming Dates:
- October 22 - Morning prayer - James
- October 22 - French and English spelling tests
- October 22 - Healthy Hunger

- October 23 - Morning prayer - Mia

- October 24 - Morning prayer - Anika
- October 24 - Picture Retakes

- October 25 - Morning prayer - Justin
- October 25 - Sammy's Pizza

- October 26 - Morning prayer - Scarlet
- October 26 - Choir

- October 29 - Morning prayer - Chantal
- October 29 - Healthy Hunger

- October 30 - Morning prayer - Golden

- October 31 - Morning prayer - Scarlet, Katerina, Justin

- November 1 - Faith Day - NO SCHOOL
- November 2 - PD Day - NO SCHOOL

- November 5 - Math-a-thon test
- November 5-8 - Swimming Lessons

- Please return Sacrament form (indicate which sacrament if any your child will be registering for this year)
Mathathon pledge forms should be returned by Oct 29.  I am working on the math questions already :)
- PLEASE RETURN Field Trip Forms for Swimming, Volunteer forms (if you can volunteer on any of the days) and current swimming level forms.  - WE ARE LOOKING FOR ADDITIONAL VOLUNTEERS ON THE 5th, and 6th OF NOVEMBER.  

Bonne fin de semaine!