Wednesday, October 31, 2018

C'est L'Halloween - Oct 31

C'est l'Halloween!  It has finally arrived and the kids are incredibly excited!

Even through all the excitement, we were still able to do lots of great work today. 

This morning we started with a bit of typing through our Typing Club program.  The students are making good progress.

We then did Math until the first recess.  We talked about comparing large numbers and we even played a game doing these comparisons.  We definitely need to practice a little more to make sure the understanding is there.
In French we did our quiz on Avoir et Être which I will return next Monday.  We then did some catching up with our French reading in Raz-Kids and also did some leveling up within Raz-Kids.  The students are doing really well in terms of their stars:


The Class TOTAL is: 253,730

YEAY - It means next week we get to pick a movie!


The top three earners of all time are:

Isabella - 30,630
Kaitlyn - 29,680
Max - 18,220

Bravo tout le monde!

We also took some time in the morning to talk about All Saints Day and All Souls Day - Catholic traditions that happen the days after Halloween.  Ask your kids about it!

Here are two quick videos that we looked at about this.

All Saints Day (November 1)

All Souls Day (November 2)

The afternoon we continued to work on our Art and read a little more about the Sharing Circle.  We then, wrapped up the day with our own sharing circle.

A special thank you to Katerina's mom for sending delicious rice crispies.  It was a very tempting smell once we opened the box :).  Thank you so much for this delicious treat.

Thank you to Justin for bringing in treats for everyone.  It was very generous of you.

Finally, thank you to Rowan and her Grandma for the amazing looking cupcakes that they brought for our class.  They were also delicious :).
We were certainly spoiled today 😀



Thursday Nov 1, Friday Nov 2


- Math review sheets (Semaine 8) - If not finished please bring these on next Monday.
- Raz-kids French books (Assignment 5 & 6) - due Nov 4

Important Upcoming Dates:
- November 1 - Faith Day - NO SCHOOL
- November 2 - PD Day - NO SCHOOL

- November 5 - Math-a-thon test
- November 5-8 - Swimming Lessons start