Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Lots of reading and a beautiful liturgy - Oct 3

Today was a beautiful day and we certainly have a lot to be thankful for !!!

In addition to working on our math and starting equations, we got to use our new typing programs ( and even did RazKids in class.  Those who were in class got their French book assignments done and the race for stars is on. :)

Our top three now are:
1) Isabella
2) Kaitlyn
3) Addison


We also had an absolutely beautiful liturgy run by the Grade 3 students and their teacher, Mme Digout.  She accompanied the whole thing with music and song.  I think everyone in the gym was mesmerized by her beautiful voice and amazing talent.  We are very thankful to have here here in our school!

Finally, we tried out our recorders today.  If you have not been able to send one in, please send one in after Thanksgiving.  We are all learning how to play Do for now :).  A few students have got it, but the rest could practice covering the holes well.  It is is a bit tiring for the finger muscles but we do need to train them well to play beautiful music 😃

- Math quiz TOMORROW (Oct 4) - Multiplication
- I have received some of the swimming lessons field trip forms.  Thank you.  Please return these ASAP if you have not done so already.
- Library tomorrow (Oct 4) - BOOKS SHOULD BE RETURNED OR RENEWED!
- Orange Shirt Day!
- No new French or English words until next week.

- Math homework for Semaine 4 - still missing 8 (+ got two without names)
- Math review sheets (Semaine 5) - due Tuesday Oct 9
- English review sheets (Semaine 1) - due Tuesday Oct 9
- Raz-kids French books, if not completed today

Important Dates & Reminders:
- October 4 - Morning prayer - Rowan
- October 4 - Math Quiz
- October 4 - Orange Shirt Day
- October 4 - Sammy's Pizza
- October 4 - Movie night @ 6:00 PM
- October 5 - PD Day
- October 8 - Thanksgiving day - NO SCHOOL