Thursday, November 8, 2018

Swimming is all done - Nov 8

Well, we have completed a successful week of swimming.  Report cards will be sent to the school when they are ready.  As soon as I get them, I will make sure they are sent home.  Once again, thank you to our amazing volunteers for keeping a loving and caring eye on our kids today 😊.  

Today in Math we used dice to help us practice rounding of numbers to the closest 10, 100 and 1000.  The students really love working with dice in math. 

This morning we also put out the beautiful white crosses we made yesterday, we coloured poppies for a Remembrance day reef for tomorrow's liturgy and finally got a bit more of our Alberta research done in Social Studies.  In the morning, we even practiced our cursive writing skills too.

Remembrance Day Liturgy

Tomorrow @ 10:00 AM in the school

Come join us and help us remember.

- Math review sheets (Semaine 9) - Thursday - all due Nov. 12
- English Homework (week 3) - Thursday - all due Nov 12
- Raz-kids French books (Assignment  Nov 5-9) - due Nov 11
- Spelling Words: FrenchEnglish

Important Upcoming Dates:
- November 9 - Math Quiz (skip counting)
- November 9 - Spelling test (French, English)
- November 9 - Remembrance Day Liturgy @ 10:00 AM
- November 9 - Math-a-thon Pledges due

Here is a picture of our most recent artwork that you can take a look at in our hallway.  This art focused on using simple shapes, lines and a focal point to create a visually interesting and unique image.  We also worked with chalk pastels, a medium that is not always the easiest to use (and very messy 😏.)  Some are not quite finished but look great nonetheless.  As we started these before Halloween, the overarching theme in many of the images will be elements and colours reflecting Halloween or the Fall season.

Have a wonderful evening!