Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ! - Sept 18

We had our year opening mass today so we are ready to grow in Faith and grow in Christ.  We had a nice walk to Church and back and also received beautiful blessed rosaries.

Just a few important reminders again...

Sept 20 - (Thursday) - Field Trip
- Sept 20 - 21 - Parent teacher conferences - please sign up for a spot if you have not done so already.
Sept 21 - Volunteer orientation
Sept 21 - Scholastic orders due

We have all the field trip forms in now... THANK YOU :)

For Thursday, please make sure that your child has layers of clothes that they can put on if they need or take off if we are lucky and the weather is nice.  Also, please pack them snacks and a lunch that is easy (i.e. not messy) to eat on the go.  The students also reminded me that a water bottle should also be in their backpacks. They really help Mme when she forgets things.  :)

Today in preparation for the field trip (where students will be resolving problems by "visiting" a new planet) we did a short science experiment on how easy it is to launch a rocket into space from a planet that is also rotating.  As we will be talking about simple machines and building machines, the science behind this is something very relevant.  Each student got a small plastic ball, sat on my chair and attempted to launch the ball into a small red basket (planet :)) while I was rotating the chair.  Not an easy task, something not even I could do.  We did have one student, though, who succeeded and he certainly got big cheers from his peers: Stephen :).  Bravo Stephen!

I think we have some future rocket scientists in our class!!!

We have succeeded at assigning classroom jobs today.  We have seven jobs and everyone was very eager to be part of the process.  We picked at random for the assignments but everyone could refuse two jobs before having to accept one if their names got drawn again.  We also picked backups for these jobs.  We will be rotating them every two weeks.  Although I planned on starting next week, many were eager to take on their roles already :)  I was very impressed.

A demain!