Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Rain, rain, go away!!! - Sept 19

While today was a beautiful day, the forecast tomorrow seems a little more rainy than we had hoped.  However, we are NOT scared of rain!!!  The field trip is still on and we will still have a ton of fun :)

For the Field Trip it is therefore IMPORTANT to:
- dress warm, as the predicted high for the day is 7C (not much)
- wear rain boots or snow boots - 90% chance of rain (not a small chance)
- bring an umbrella or better yet a poncho or rain coat (ponchos can be purchased at the dollar store and they will protect the backpacks as well.)
- pack snacks and an easy to eat lunch (not liquid or requiring forks/spoons preferably)
- pack a bottle of water (no juice please, as these can be very sticky if spilled)
- NO SLIME OR PUTTY PLEASE (This goes for school in general as well.  We seem to be having some issues with some students bringing slime and it is something that is very messy and distracting, so I ask that you remind your children that they can't have slime in school or it will become mine until the end of the year.  I'm sure they would prefer it didn't!)

Sept 20 - (tomorrow) - Field Trip
- Sept 20 - 21 - Parent teacher conferences - please sign up for a spot if you have not done so already.
Sept 21 - Volunteer orientation
Sept 21 - Scholastic orders due

TODAY - "Je suis Albertain / Albertaine"
Today, we talked about Alberta and what it means to be Albertan even though many of us are from someplace else or have descendents from someplace else.  Talk to your kids about their heritage and how they got to become Albertans.  They absolutely love to share and I love to hear.

Some of you may have noticed that I made some changes to our blog.  I have added a Calendar of events, which hopefully makes it easier to track all the exciting things that are happening at the school.
I also added a list of the blogs in the bottom instead of having all of them on one page.  This way, the latest will always show but the rest can be found further down.
I have also created separate pages for the "Weekly Challenges", "Les mots de la semaine", "Words of the week" and for "Resources and Links".  One these pages you can find the latest information without having to search through the blogs.  I will continue to expand these pages as time allows :).

- This week's challenge will extend into next week as we will be on a field trip tomorrow and there is no school Friday.  Therefore, it can be solved by next Friday (Sept 28)
- Spelling tests will start again next week.  We will also have weekly math tests on either multiplication / addition / subtraction / division or the material we covered during the week.  These are really to assess our understanding and make changes as needed to ensure we all feel confident at the end of the year with everything we learned and did throughout the year.
- Last week's spelling tests will be returned tomorrow at the end of the day.  Some have done very well, others just need to practice a little more.  Reading every night helps with this too.

Have a fabulous evening!