Wednesday, September 12, 2018

"To do or not to do?" that is the homework question :) - Sept 12

Some of you may see your kids with duotangs (Math, English, French) with worksheets in them.  Today we organized some of the work we did already, and I gave the students the option of bringing home their duotangs to finish their worksheets.  Some of it we didn't even start in class, but again the students were given the option of doing the work at home if they wanted to as "Homework" (particularly the unfinished work).  We will be going through all the material together in class and making corrections where necessary.

Therefore, this work is NOT mandatory homework as we are still working on the worksheets and that is why not everyone will have brought it home.

1) We will have a quick spelling "test" of the words we covered this week.
2) We will have Calgary Green visit us and talk to us about Waste and our World.
3) We will go over the Défi Mathématique - so do give it a try at home with your child (see previous blog).

Have a lovely evening!  

From all of us in la 4ème année :)