Friday, September 7, 2018

La semaine des découvertes... - Sept 7

And the first week has already ended... Wow!!!  So what did we do?

- First things first... we learned about each other through a game of "Trouve quelqu'un qui"
- We made creative name plates for our desks
- We wrote about our summer in English, which we presented; we wrote 2 truths and a false statement about ourselves in French.  It was fun guessing :)
- We practiced our multiplication table and fast additions using games with dice and cards.
- We did some Grade 3 math review work.
- We played strategy games (10 down, 101 and out)
- We made selfie drawings :)
- We read Reader's Theater in English (Pop Poppity Pop) and fables in French.  We even presented the fables in front of the class.
- We started talking about Waste and our World in Science and Alberta in Social Studies.
- We sang "Chante moi ta chanson" by Jean Lapointe and Marcel Lefebvre and the "Song of the week" (they know this really well :)) during music.
- Most important of all, WE SAVED "Fred" the gummy-worm in Science.  We had to think like Engineers and work together as a team.

- Problem of the Week in Math: These will be shared with the students on Mondays and posted here as well.  These they can do at home (with help if needed).  We will discuss the solutions at the end of the week and those who have done it (can show and explain how they did it) will get a sticker. These are intended to challenge students to think differently in solving a variety of problems.
- Weekly Spelling: Both in French and English, I will be posting to this blog a list of 10 words (each) that we will encounter during the week.  We will practice the spelling of these words during various activities.  On Fridays we will do a quick quiz to check both our spelling and our understanding of how to use the words.
- Home Reading: Soon, we will have an incentive program to do home reading.  The goal will be to reach a certain number of minutes.  Once we reached the goal as a class, the class will have earned a free choice period.
- Classroom Jobs: Starting next week, we will have classroom jobs for the students.  The job assignments will rotate and therefore all students will get a chance to do one of the jobs (checking on attendance, helping with organization, cleanliness, etc.)
- We will have PE on Days 2 and Days 6.  Please make sure kids have comfortable clothes for these days.
- Please return signed forms in brown envelopes by Sept 11.

- September 17 - Healthy Hunger
- September 18 - School Opening Mass @ 10:00 AM
- September 20 - Sammy's Pizza
- September 20-21 - Meet the Teacher
- September 21 - Volunteer orientation
- September 25 - Volunteer orientation #2
- September 25 - School Council Meeting
- September 27 - PICTURE DAY
- September 28 - Terry Fox Run

Grade 4 Curriculum at a Glance (diagram)

French Immersion Grade 4 at a Glance

Alberta Curriculum Overview